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Monday, September 9, 2013

Author Spotlight: Andrew Boyd

Let's Welcome Andrew Boyd
Author of
"WORDPLAY: Damnation"

Author Bio:

I am a Student of Poetry, Blogging, and Story Telling. I became an Official Self-Published Author February 27, 2013 (Thanks, CreateSpace!). I am one who is Honest to where I Made People Mad, yet they Respect and Respected what I Had and Have to Say.

I am a two-time kidney transplant recipient who looks at the world in a way that gave me perspective as to how my life would be shaped due to my medical experiences, as well as helping others by exuding inspiration and compassion to those around me.

I am a graduate of the Class of 1996 from Germantown-Lankenau Motivational Program Annex, where my writing prowess was born in the 10th Grade, and continued on while attending Arcadia University in 1996. After a writing hiatus in 1997, a trip to New York City in March 2010 reignited my passion for writing. While posting several of my writings on Social Media Outlets, I also performed Spoken Word Poetry in the Philadelphia and New York areas.


The thought provoking journey continues, only to find sanity shrouded in the blood of darkness, struggling to regain its own voice, trapped in a web of Damnation.

Wordplay: Damnation represents the war: an honest, heart-wrenching look at forces that threatened to snatch his Soul into darkness and hold it permanently hostage versus rising above the anarchy to become even wiser and stronger than ever.

Funny how Life works, you know?
People have selective hearing that is coupled with selective emotions.
When faced with adversity, they want to play the Blame Game
With their finger pointing and name calling as they beat on their chest.
Those are the Cowards of said Life; the ones that can never deal
With how things in the World will never conform to their visions and ideals.

Available at:

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