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Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Concordant Vibrancy 3: Adonis Mann

Hello Readers, Writers, and Precious Patrons and thank you for visiting All Authors Blog. For the next two weeks, we will be meeting the participants of the third installment of the Concordant Vibrancy collection, entitled “Lustrate”.

Today, we present Adonis Mann, who will discuss why he decided to participate in Lustrate, along with a small excerpt from her work.


What inspired you to be a part of Lustrate? 

Truth be told, I can never say no to participating in anything All Authors related. I feel so closely intertwined with the All Authors Family that not being a part of any of there collections would make me feel terrible.

Of course, there are also the elements of the phenomenal  writer whom I would be showcased alongside--that's always a grand reason to want to be included. Just to be in the company of authors such as Beem Weeks, Harmony Kent and Queen of Spade, just to name a few, is a paramount reason to want to be a part of Lustrate.

An Excerpt from "Luster Lingers"

Silken royal blue and chocolatey waves ripple slowly and lusciously. Liquid and solid all combined to create a glasé stream of desire. From close up, the undulations confuse the mind, making one believe that it’s the ocean at night. From afar the image becomes clearer. Frames move and sway slowly under satiny bedding. 
A hand.
A leg, then two.
A back.
Oscillating and slithering, swimming and twisting.
A moan.
A breath, then another.
Whispered words and lavish caresses.
Serpentine movements threaten to break through the barrier of sleek coils. The cascades upsurge then level once more and in the process the actions bring with them relaxation and ardor, all at once—a paradox of delectableness unlike any other.
Yessss …” murmurs a soft voice, barely audible except up close where the rivers of delight flow fully.
Velvet waters.
Tangible ecstasy.
Serendipitous, emotional, corporeal and yet hypnogogic.
A sigh.
A kiss, then another.
A hand grasps silken sheets.
How did we get her? Heath considers, knowing that it was either fate or just dumb luck that brought them together. The questions remained unsaid for his sole aspiration now is to savor this moment. Mel’s, fingers tickle his back as they graze the slopes of his dermis.
A giggle. Heath would swoon of affection had he not already been laying on the bed. Mel is a master at satisfaction, knowing exactly what to do and how to do it.
Soft lips touch the surface of Heath’s skin at the center of his back—warm, moist and plumose. A breath as balmy as a sun kissed day follows, causing currents to prickle his flesh. “I love how you do that?”

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